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ACL Instrument set

ACL Instrument set

120000.0 INR/Piece

Product Details:

  • Instrument Basic Surgical Instruments
  • Material Steel
  • Condition New
  • Portable Yes
  • Sterilized Yes
  • Waterproof Yes
  • Operating Type Manual
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ACL Instrument set Price And Quantity

  • 1 Piece
  • 120000.0 INR/Piece

ACL Instrument set Product Specifications

  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Steel
  • Basic Surgical Instruments
  • Manual
  • Yes
  • New

ACL Instrument set Trade Information

  • 1000 Piece Per Day
  • 1-4 Days

Product Description

OC4601.1 OC Drill Guide Handle
OC4601.2 OC Drill Guide Bullet
OC4601.3 OC PCL Femoral Aimer
OC4601.4 OC PCL Tibial Aimer
OC4601.5 OC ACL Elbow Aimer
OC4601.6 OC ACL Tip Aimer
OC4654 OC Accurate Drill Guide Handle
OC4656 OC Accurate ACL Tibial Guide
OC4657 OC Accurate PCL Tibial Guide
OC4681 OC Accurate PCL Femoral Guide
OC4655 OC Accurate Multiuse Guide
OC4658 OC Accurate Bullet, 2.4mm
OC4658.1 OC Accurate Bullet, 3.5mm
OC4602 OC Drill Bit Passing Pin, Dia. 2.4mm
OC4602.2.5 OC Drill Bit Passing Pin, Dia. 2.5mm
OC4602.2.3 OC Drill Bit Passing Pin, Dia. 2.3mm
OC4603.S OC Graft Passing Pin (Beath Pin), Flute Tip, Dia. 2.4mm, Length 355mm
OC4603.ST OC Graft Passing Pin (Beath Pin), Flute Tip, Dia. 2.4mm, Length 355mm, Sterile
OC4604 OC Cannulated Tibial  Reamer, Dia. 6.0mm
OC4604 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.6.0mm
OC4604 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.6.0mm Short 175mm
OC4641 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.6.5mm
OC4641 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.6.5mm Short 175mm
OC4605 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.7.0mm
OC4605 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.7.0mm Short 175mm
OC4642 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.7.5mm
OC4642 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.7.5mm Short 175mm
OC4606 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.8.0mm
OC4606 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.8.0mm  Short 175mm
OC4643 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.8.5mm
OC4643 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.8.5mm Short 175mm
OC4607 OCCannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.9.0mm
OC4607 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.9.0mm Short 175mm
OC4644 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia 9.5mm
OC4644 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia 9.5mm Short 175mm
OC4608 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.10.0mm
OC4608 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.10.0mm Short 175mm
OC4645 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia 10.5mm
OC4645 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia 10.5mm Short 175mm
OC4609 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.11.0mm
OC4609 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.11.0mm Short 175mm
OC4646 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.11.5mm
OC4646 S OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.11.5mm Short 175mm
OC4660 OC Cannulated Tibial Reamer, Dia.12.0mm
OC4610 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.6.0mm
OC4610 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.6.0mm Short 175mm
OC4647 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.6.5mm
OC4647 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.6.5mm Short 175mm
OC4611 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.7.0mm
OC4611 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.7.0mm Short 175mm
OC4648 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.7.5mm
OC4648 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.7.5mm Short 175mm
OC4612 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.8.0mm
OC4612 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.8.0mm Short 175mm
OC4649 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.8.5mm
OC4649 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.8.5mm Short 175mm
OC4613 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.9.0mm
OC4613 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.9.0mm Short 175mm
OC4650 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.9.5mm
OC4650 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.9.5mm Short 175mm
OC4614 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.10.0mm
OC4614 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.10.0mm Short 175mm
OC4651 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.10.5mm
OC4651 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.10.5mm Short 175mm
OC4615 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.11.0mm
OC4615 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.11.0mm Short 175mm
OC4652 OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.11.5mm
OC4652 S OC Cannulated Femoral Flower tip Reamer, Dia.11.5mm Short175mm
OC4664 OC Femoral Cannulated Reamer, Dia. 12.0mm
OC4616.1 OC Endoscopic Cannulated Reamer, Dia. 4.5mm
OC 4616.2 OC Endoscopic Cannulated Reamer, Dia. 5.5mm
OC 4616.3 OC Endoscopic Cannulated Reamer, Dia. 4.7mm
OC4617 OC Depth Gauge for ACL/PCL Reconstruction
OC4618.5 OC TransPortal Femoral Aimer, 5mm
OC4618.6 OC TransPortal Femoral Aimer, 6mm
OC4618.7 OC TransPortal Femoral Aimer, 7mm
OC4618.8 OC TransPortal Femoral Aimer, 8mm
OC4669.5 OC Offset Aimer 5 mm
OC4669.7 OC Offset Aimer 7 mm
OC4620 OC Tunnel Plug, Dia. 7-8mm
OC4621 OC Tunnel Plug, Dia. 8-9mm
OC4622 OC Tunnel Plug, Dia. 9-10mm
OC4671 OC Tunnel Plug, Dia. 6 to 11mm
OC4623 OC Tunnel Dilator, Dia. 7mm
OC4624 OC Tunnel Dilator, Dia. 8mm
OC4625 OC Tunnel Dilator, Dia. 9mm
OC4670 OC Tunnel Dilator, Dia. 10mm
OC4626 OC T Handle for Tunnel Dilator
OC4627 OC Cannulated Screw Driver for Titanium Interference Screw
OC4619 OC Cannulated Screw Driver for PEEK Interference Screw
OC4628 OC Impactor for Spiked Ligament Staple
OC4629 OC Knee Arthroscopy Probe
OC4672 OC Arthroscopic Probe ( New ) (S.S)
OC4630 OC MicroFracture Awl, 30
OC4631 OC MicroFracture Awl, 45
OC4632 OC MicroFracture Awl, 90
OC4633 OC Graft Prep Station
OC4634 OC Graft Sizing Block
OC4634.5 OC Graft Sizing Block, Dia. 6mm to 12mm (0.5mm Difference)
OC4635.6 OC Tendon Stripper, Open End, Dia. 6mm
OC4635.7 OC Tendon Stripper, Open End, Dia. 7mm
OC4635.8 OC Tendon Stripper, Open End, Dia. 8mm
OC4635.9 OC Tendon Stripper, Open End, Dia. 9mm
OC4636.6 OC Tendon Stripper, Closed End, Dia. 6mm
OC4636.7 OC Tendon Stripper, Closed End, Dia. 7mm
OC4636.8 OC Tendon Stripper, Closed End, Dia. 8mm
OC4636.9 OC Tendon Stripper, Closed End, Dia. 9mm
OC4637 OC Straight Rasp
OC4638 OC Convex Rasp
OC4639 OC Femoral PCL Elevator
OC4653 OC Screw Driver For Tibial Post Screw
OC4659 .0.8 OC Guide Wire For Interference Screw, Dia. 0.8mm
OC4659 .1.0 OC Guide Wire For Interference Screw, Dia. 1.0mm
OC4659 .1.2 OC Guide Wire For PEEK Interference Screw, Dia. 1.2mm
OC4659 .1.5 OC Guide Wire For Titanium Interference Screw, Dia. 1.5mm
OC4661 OC Graft Passing Pin (Beath Pin), Diamond Tip, Dia. 2.4mm, Length 355mm
OC4662 OC Graft Passing Pin (Beath Pin), Spade Tip, Dia. 2.4mm, Length 355mm
OC4663.4 OC Cub Curette, 4.0mm
OC4663.5 OC Cub Curette, 5.0mm
OC4689 OC Cub Curette, 8.0mm
OC4666.5 OC TransPortal Femoral Aimer with Up Offset (Gun Type Handle), 5mm
OC4666.7 OC TransPortal Femoral Aimer with Up Offset (Gun Type Handle), 7mm
OC4667.5 OC TransPortal Femoral Aimer with Down Offset (Gun Type Handle), 5mm
OC4667.7 OC TransPortal Femoral Aimer with Down Offset (Gun Type Handle), 7mm
OC4668 OC Leg Holder
OC4673 OC Cannulated Tunnel Dilator, Dia. 7mm
OC4674 OC Cannulated Tunnel Dilator, Dia. 8mm
OC4675 OC Cannulated Tunnel Dilator, Dia. 9mm
OC4676 OC Cannulated Tunnel Dilator, Dia. 10mm
OC4677 OC T Handle for Cannulated Tunnel Dilator
OC4678 OC GraftStitch Station (new)
OC4640 OC Graphic Case for Knee Arthroscopy Instruments
OC4680 OC RetroGauge for ACL/PCL Reconstruction
Troscheloplast Drill Guide System
OC4682 OC TrochleO Guide, 3mm Offset
OC4683 OC TrochleO Guide, 5mm Offset
OC4684 OC TrochleO Kit with 2.9mm Burr and Sleeve, Sterile
OC4654 OC Accurate Drill Guide Handle
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  • 50
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